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Questions and Answers. #4

4. Q. Will my vehicle delivery take place at a transport terminal?

There are a couple of reasons why auto transporters would deliver your vehicle to a central terminal in your delivery area. The main reason would be if you requested your automobile to be transported there. Most people who know they will not be available during the time the auto transport carriers will arrive at there home, simply request it to be delivered to a terminal in there area.

Other reasons that auto transporters would ship your vehicle to a terminal are:

  • You live in a new development and the roads are not listed on maps making it difficult for auto transport carriers to locate the streets leading up to your home.
  • Your home is located on a very narrow road.
  •  Low power lines and large tree branches that may damage other vehicles on the transport carrier while driving on your road.
  • Dead end street that would make it difficult for car transport driver to turn the carrier around.
  • You are on vacation and the vehicle shipping company has no other option but to leave it at a terminal.

Remember, if you are not home, auto transporters need your signature to release your vehicle. So by leaving it at a terminal they can continue on with there vehicle shipping route and whenever you are available you can go to the terminal and pick it up.
Note: If you will not be available during time of delivery it would be advised to mention this to the car transporter so they can better route the drop off location of your vehicle.

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