Long Horn Auto Hauling and Transport is listed on the Reliability Program on directory Auto-Car-Transport .com

Auto-Car-Transport.com Reliability Program - serving the online community for finding reliable car transporters.
Long Horn Auto Hauling

Long Horn Auto Haulers
POBox 690336
San Antonio, Texas 78269

General Company Information

Original Business Start Date: February 2004
Principal : Mr. Ed Johnson /Operator
Phone Number: (210) 499-0111
Email Address: Info@longhornautohaulers.com
Membership Status: Yes
Type-of-Business Classification: Auto Transport
Website Address: http://www.longhornautohaulers.com

The information in this report has either been provided by the company, or has been compiled by Auto-car-transport from other sources.

Auto-Car-Transport.com Membership

This company has been a member of this Auto-Car-Transport.com since November 2003 .This means it supports the Auto-Car-Transport services to the public and meets our membership standards.

Program Participation

This company participates in Auto-Car-Transport.com directory, and the Auto-Car-Transport Membership Identification Program. This means the company has agreed to use special procedures including mediation and arbitration if necessary to resolve complaints.

Nature of Transportation Business

This company offers nationwide auto transportation services of new and used vehicles.

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As a matter of policy, Auto-Car-Transport.com does not endorse any product, service or company. Auto-Car-Transport.com reports are provided solely to assist you in exercising your own best judgment. Information contained herein is believed reliable but not guaranteed as to accuracy. Reports are subject to change at any time.

The Auto-Car-Transport.com reports on directory members. Members must meet and maintain Auto-Car-Transport.com standards.




Nature of Business

LongHorn Auto Haulers is a long-time member of the Auto-Car-Transport.com vehicle shipping company directory. Of course nationwide service is provided for car shipping throughout the US and internationally. Not only do they provide an excellent auto transport service but they have a great customer service for any questions or comments you may have. This auto hauling company is bonded, licensed and insured, as is all companies listed with Auto-Car-Transport.com.